Dinamika Pelaksanaan Pemerintahan Nagari di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2023
The implementation of the Nagari government in West Sumatra in 2023 still cannot be said to be good overall. There are still many problems that must be resolved by the Nagari government, and this seems like a job that must be completed in 2024. After carrying out research, it turned out that the problems faced by the Nagari government were quite diverse, starting from Nagari-Owned Business Entities that were not yet running to problems that were directly related to the community. This is a challenge that the Nagari government must immediately face in 2024, so that the implementation of the Nagari government will be more optimal and with minimal problems, the benefits felt by the community from the Nagari government's programs will be better. This research was prepared using a qualitative approach. The approach used was qualitative and descriptive methods and research informants were determined using purposive sampling techniques. The results of the research show that the Nagari Government always tries to resolve the problems and obstacles that occur in the implementation of Nagari government programs, even though the efforts made have not yet received maximum benefits. In the future, we really hope for assistance from various stakeholders to help the Nagari governments solve these problems, both from higher levels of government and from the academic sector such as universities.