Peran Baznas Kabupaten Agam Dalam Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Lele Aia Maambun Di Nagari Bawan, Kecamatan Ampek Nagari, Kabupaten Agam

  • Fitri Eriyanti Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Cindy Rahmawati Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Karjuni Dt. Maani Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Peran, Baznas Kabupaten Agam, Kelompok Aia Maambun


This study aimed to determine the role of Baznas in the Agam Regency in empowering the Aia Maambun catfish cultivator group in Nagari Bawan, Ampek Nagari District, Agam Regency and consisting of observations, interviews, and documentation studies as well as data analysis techniques using the MDAP technique. Based on the results of research and discussion, it was found that the role of Baznas in Agam Regency in empowering the Aia Maambun catfish cultivator group was seen from the distribution of zakat funds given by Banzas to groups and the utilization carried out by Baznas in Agam Regency in maximizing the distribution of zakat funds. This utilization is carried out by providing assistance (monitoring); the service carried out by the Agam Regency Baznas so far provides guidance, direction, and motivation to group members so that they can develop group businesses. And in mentoring, the Agam Regency Baznas collaborated with PPL from the Agam Regency Fisheries and Resilience Service. Furthermore, based on the findings and discussion, it can be seen that the role of the Agam Regency Baznas in empowering the Aia Maambun catfish cultivator group has been running but not yet optimal because there are still obstacles encountered during the distribution and utilization process.

How to Cite
Eriyanti, F., Rahmawati, C., & Dt. Maani, K. (2022). Peran Baznas Kabupaten Agam Dalam Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Lele Aia Maambun Di Nagari Bawan, Kecamatan Ampek Nagari, Kabupaten Agam. Journal Of Policy, Governance, Development and Empowerment, 2(1-1), 35-39.