Peran Peran Pemimpin Dalam Pembinaan Integritas Pegawai Di Kejaksaan Negeri Bukittinggi

  • Alhadi Rahman Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Role, Leader, Integrity Development


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of leaders in fostering the integrity of employees at the Bukittinggi District Attorney's Office. The background of this study found several problems of employee integrity such as low commitment and consistency, level of honesty and lack of sense of responsibility of some civil servants at the Bukittinggi District Attorney.

This type of research is a semi-qualitative research with descriptive method. Informants in this study were determined by purposive sampling technique, namely determining informants with certain considerations that were seen to be able to provide maximum data. This data the authors do by conducting interviews, observation, and study documentation using interview guidelines and recordings. While the analysis techniques used are notes, transcripts, coding, categorization, themes and memos.

The results of the study show that (1) the role of leaders in fostering employee integrity in general has been going well, but there is an initial motivation that has not run properly. (2) the efforts made by the leader in fostering integrity as a whole have been carried out, but efforts in terms of evaluation have not been carried out by the leadership. (3) the obstacles faced in fostering employee integrity are: a) internal factors, differences in personality and character of employees, b) external factors, employee environment outside the office.

How to Cite
Rahman, A. (2022). Peran Peran Pemimpin Dalam Pembinaan Integritas Pegawai Di Kejaksaan Negeri Bukittinggi. Journal Of Policy, Governance, Development and Empowerment, 2(2), 143-153.