Pengaruh Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Setdako Payakumbuh
The research purposes was analyze the principles application effect of transparency and
accountability to employee performance at the Regional Secretariat Office of Payakumbuh
City. This research type was quantitative research although methods of associative. Deep
sample this research is the City Regional Secretariat employees Payakumbuh, with 77 people.
The techniques for data collection in research using questionnaire with a measurement by scale
of Likert. The research analysis uses test of multiple linear regression by SPSS Software
Version 22.0. The research finding consist of: (1) Transparency in the Payakumbuh City
Regional Secretariat Office are in the category was very high although the achievement of
respondent’s rate of 89,8%. (2) Accountability in Payakumbuh City Regional Secretariat Office
is in the category was very high although the achievement of respondent’s rate of 85,7%. (3)
Employee performance in the Office Payakumbuh Municipal Secretariat is in the category was
very high although the achievement of respondent’s rate 87,6%. The tested of hypothesis by
used t test and f test. The hypothesis testing results shown that transparency and accountability
affects the performance of employees either partially or partially simultaneously.