Implementasi Standar Nasional Indonesia 8152:2021 dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Alai Kota Padang sebagai Pasar Rakyat

  • Kharisma Yuni Alsa Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Fitri Eriyanti


This study intends to analyze the implementation of the Indonesian National Standard 8152:2021 in the management of the Padang City Alai Market as a people's market. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, in determining the researcher's informants using purposive sampling methods and techniques. For data collection techniques are carried out with interviews, observations, and documentation. In testing the validity of the data, researchers used method triangulation techniques and source trianggulation. As for data analysis techniques, it uses componential analysis techniques (Componential Analysis). The results showed that the implementation of the Indonesian National Standard 8152:2021 has not gone well. Of the 45 requirements of the people's market based on market type, Alai Market has met most of the requirements but there are several requirements of the Indonesian National Standard 8152:2021 that have not been met such as problems in merchant zoning where there are still many traders who sell not according to their type or commodity, still found puddles and unclean market conditions, Also, there is still a lack of infrastructure such as gutters, re-measuring posts, and health posts.

Keyword: Implementation, Indonesian National Standard and People's Market

How to Cite
Alsa, K., & Eriyanti, F. (2023). Implementasi Standar Nasional Indonesia 8152:2021 dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Alai Kota Padang sebagai Pasar Rakyat. Journal Of Policy, Governance, Development and Empowerment, 3(1), 45-52.