Faktor Faktor Penghambat dan Pendukung Implementasi Peraturan Tentang Pola Hidup Baru dalam Masa Pandemi (Covid-19)

Inhibiting and Supporting Factors for Implementing Regulations on New Lifestyles during a Pandemic (Covid-19)

  • Tika Afriani Universitas Negeri Padanng
Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Covid-19


This study intends to depict the hindering and supporting elements for carrying out new way of life polaes during the Coronavirus pandemic. This examination is handled by subjective investigation procedures with graphic polaes, for information assortment methods through meetings, perception and documentation. In light of the aftereffects of the exploration and conversation, two supporting elements were found, specifically, first, there was socialization from the Padang Regional Government to general society about the new way of life during the Coronavirus pandemic. Second, there is great correspondence and participation between applicable offices in forestalling and controlling the transmission of Coronavirus in the city of Padang. The repressing variable is the low open mindfulness and worry for the new way of life during the Coronavirus pandemic, the two governments did not review the new policies.

How to Cite
Afriani, T. (2022). Faktor Faktor Penghambat dan Pendukung Implementasi Peraturan Tentang Pola Hidup Baru dalam Masa Pandemi (Covid-19). Journal Of Policy, Governance, Development and Empowerment, 2(3), 263-268. https://doi.org/10.24036/pgde.v3i1.104